Outdoor Solar Step Lights Manufacturer who can help you increase competitiveness

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Meningkatkan Efek
Kontrol Cerdas
Chip Kecerahan Tinggi
Sangat dapat disesuaikan
Mudah untuk Menginstal
Hemat energi

Discover the Benefits of Choosing
VORLANE's Solar Sensor Outdoor Lights
for Your Next Lighting Solution

Jawabannya sederhana: Vorlane Berbeda.

You can fully customize unique LED product based on our patented & self-designed outdoor solar step lights series.
You can trust our commitment to customer satisfaction: We prioritize our customers' needs and are committed to providing excellent customer service throughout the entire process, from customization to after-sales support.
You can save time and effort with our streamlined process: Our efficient production and supply chain management allow us to deliver high-quality LED products quickly and hassle-free.
Anda akan mendapatkan dukungan pemasaran yang kuat untuk membantu Anda menjual produk dengan sukses, dukungan materi meliputi: gambar produk resolusi tinggi, video efek 3d yang keren, dan BANYAK lagi.

Jadi, kenapa bukan Vorlane? Hubungi kami sekarang untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang bagaimana kami dapat membantu Anda.

Bagaimana kami dapat meningkatkan daya saing & keuntungan di pasar Anda?

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Pada akhirnya Kustomisasi Mendalam

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Dengarkan ide-ide Anda dan pahami sepenuhnya kebutuhan Anda.

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Berikan dukungan visual 3D untuk mengubah ide Anda menjadi produk jadi.

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Choosing VORLANE means enjoying lighting solutions that are designed and developed with deep customization capabilities to meet your unique needs and preferences.

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Penelitian dan Pengembangan yang luar biasa

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Perasaan dan masukan Anda penting bagi kami yang membantu kami terus meningkatkan dan meningkatkan produk kami.

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Jika Anda tidak dapat menemukan produk LED yang tepat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar Anda. Cukup beritahu kami, kami akan menyesuaikannya untuk membantu Anda menonjol dalam kompetisi.

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Choosing VORLANE means enjoying lighting solutions that are designed and developed by an R&D team that is dedicated to creating the best possible products.

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Harga yang sangat kompetitif

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Pabrik milik sendiri membuat semuanya di bawah satu atap dan terkendali.

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Terletak di kawasan industri lampu LED terbesar di Cina dengan rantai pasokan lengkap.

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Choosing VORLANE means enjoying lighting solutions that are both high-quality and affordable, thanks to our competitive pricing and top-tier manufacturing capabilities.

Siap untuk WOW?

Tonton video berdurasi 1 menit untuk melihat beberapa detail dan teknologi menakjubkan yang kami gunakan dalam proyek Anda berikutnya.
spanduk video vorlane
Play Video about spanduk video vorlane
Click button above to ask for custom outdoor solar step lights

Bagaimana kami dapat mengurangi rasa tidak aman Anda & membuat Anda lebih percaya diri di antara banyak pemasok?

ikon pabrik vorlane
Kami adalah Pabrik

With our own factory in Zhongshan, we can quickly and efficiently respond to our clients’ needs, ensuring timely delivery of our LED products.

ikon lokasi pabrik vorlane
Keuntungan Geografis

Pabrik VORLANE berlokasi di Guzhen, Zhongshan, Cina, yang dikenal sebagai pusat pembuatan lampu global. Di sinilah kami mendapatkan saran industri dan informasi teknis langsung dari seluruh dunia.

ikon pekerja pabrik vorlane
Kemampuan Produksi 1.000.000/M

Kami meningkatkan efisiensi produksi dan mengurangi tingkat produk cacat dengan memodernisasi lini produksi kami. Dengan waktu yang lebih singkat, lebih banyak produk berkualitas tinggi yang dapat diproduksi.

Lebih banyak nomor & sertifikat untuk ditambahkan...

proses pemeriksaan kualitas
0 +
Kualifikasi ekspor nasional
0 +
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Garansi 5 Tahun Untuk SEMUA Produk

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Amankan bisnis Anda dengan garansi 5 tahun kami untuk SEMUA produk.

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Selama masa garansi, Anda akan mendapatkan dukungan cepat untuk masalah produk APAPUN.

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Jika Anda menerima barang dan memerlukan penggantian, kami dapat mengatur penggantian cepat untuk Anda.

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24/7/365 Dukungan Purna Jual

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Kapan pun Anda membutuhkan dukungan, beri tahu kami apa yang terjadi.

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Kami berjanji untuk membalas dalam waktu 1 jam dan menawarkan solusi yang memuaskan dalam waktu 8 jam.

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Semua solusi purna jual GRATIS.

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Proses kustomisasi 7 hari

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Get your products to market faster and beat your competition with our 7-day customization service

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Save time and money by reducing the lead time for product design and development.

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Improve your supply chain efficiency by working with a reliable, trusted manufacturer who can deliver on time, every time.

Click button above to ask for custom outdoor solar step lights

A free more things about outdoor solar step lights you might be interested in...

Outdoor Solar Step Lights Applications

Garden Lights
Solar step lights outdoor are the latest in garden lights technology. Solar step lights outdoor give off a bright light that illuminates steps, walkways, and other garden features. Solar step lights outdoor are an excellent way to add safety and visibility to the garden while also being eco-friendly.

Patio Lights
Solar step lights can also be used to add light to the patio or deck. They can help see when family or guests are walking at night and can also provide a decorative touch to the outdoor space. Solar step lights are a great way to make the patio or deck more inviting and enjoyable.

Pool Lights
Solar step lights are the perfect way to add some extra light to the pool area. Not only do they help when walking at night, but they can also make the pool area look more elegant and inviting. Solar step lights are a great way to make the pool area more enjoyable and safer.

Lampu Lanskap
Solar step lights from Vorlane can also be used in landscape lighting applications. They can be used to highlight features in the landscape such as trees, shrubs, or flowers. This type of outside solar light is a great way to add beauty and interest to the landscape.

Lampu Keamanan
Solar step lights can also be used in security lighting applications. They can be used to light up dark areas around the home that may be difficult for burglars or intruders to see. Solar step lights are a great way to deter crime and keep the home safe.

Considerations for Choosing the Best Outdoor Solar Step Lights


When choosing solar step lights outdoor, one of the most important considerations is location. The lights should be placed in an area where they will receive direct sunlight for at least six hours each day. This will ensure that the batteries are fully charged and the lights will operate as intended.


Vorlane’s solar step lights are available in a variety of sizes, so it is important to choose ones that are appropriate for the area where they will be installed. If the lights are too small, they may not provide adequate illumination, while if they are too large, they may be obtrusive or difficult to install.


From traditional designs to more modern and contemporary looks, there is sure to be a style that will suit one’s taste and needs. It is important to browse through all of the options before making a final decision to ensure that you are happy with the look of the lights.


There is a wide range of prices associated with these lights, so it is important to set a budget before beginning to search. This will help to narrow down the options and make it easier to find a set of lights that fits within the price range.


Most solar step lights are easy to install, but it is important to make sure that the lights you choose will be compatible with the installation methods available. If you need help with installation, there are plenty of professional companies that can lend a hand.


Outdoor Solar Step Lights Scenarios

Pelajari Solusi Pencahayaan Lainnya


Outdoor Solar Step Lights


Pencahayaan luar ruang

Mari Terhubung Sekarang Untuk Menemukan Solusi Tepat!


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