LED 燈有不同的形狀和尺寸 - 從燈泡到燈管 面板燈; they are available in a wide range of options. When talking about LED lights, it’s impossible not to think of LED strip lights. These lights have gained immense popularity in residential and commercial spaces – mood lighting and decorative settings are amplified with these strip lights. One can find a variety of smart LED strip light ideas for their residential space so that decoration becomes easier and more creative.

但什麼是 LED 燈條?對可用的不同選項感到困惑嗎?不用擔心。這 LED燈條導光條 將為各類買家提供協助!


LED 燈帶由嵌入狹窄電路板的多個 LED 發光器組成的窄帶組成。該板靈活且長,即使在狹窄和擁擠的空間中也能輕鬆調整和使用。有時,這些電路配有可以改變顏色或具有不同顏色的發射器。

客製尺寸 LED 燈帶 can be used for different purposes including architectural lighting, residential decorations, commercial lighting, etc. Primary characteristics of LED strip lights include flexibility, ease of use, adaptability, optimum operation in low AC-DC conditions, and a large variety of options.

LED strip lights - LED Strip Light Guide: Everything You Need to Know - Vorlane

這些條帶可以切割成使用者想要的任何長度。大多數情況下,LED 燈帶的背面都塗有黏合劑,讓它們可以輕鬆地貼在任何表面上。 LED 燈條經濟高效且易於使用,是高科技商業、工業和住宅裝飾照明的完美選擇。


買家可以根據尺寸、亮度、類型、用途等找到各種 LED 燈條。為正確的場合選擇正確類型的 LED 燈條至關重要 - 例如, COB LED 燈條 IP65 通常具有防水保護,因此使其成為水下照明的完美選擇。

以下是在各種環境中使用的四種最受歡迎的 LED 燈條類型。

  1. COB LED燈帶

COB 是指板上晶片——指的是這些燈的生產所採用的技術。 LED 晶片直接包含在電路板上。與 SMD 燈帶相比,該技術允許在燈帶中安裝更多 LED。

優點 COB LED燈帶 is that they emit less heat while presenting a seamless effect. Also, these strips can be employed in a variety of environments – a 防水COB LED燈帶 with an IP65 rating is an excellent choice for underwater lighting in pools. These lights offer no visible spotting and are, therefore, suitable even in professional settings.

COB LED strip lights - LED Strip Light Guide: Everything You Need to Know - Vorlane

由於 COB 燈條散發的熱量較少,因此效率更高,從而延長了使用壽命。這些燈條有不同的流明可供選擇,範圍從 900 流明到 2500 流明。

  1. 貼片LED燈條

一個 貼片LED燈條 refers to the Surface Mount Device (SMD), the diodes that are mounted using the surface-mount technology. In this type, the LED is mounted first, and then it is fixed on the PCB board by using reflow soldering. These appear in chip-shaped packages.

雖然 COB 燈帶和 SMD LED 燈帶看起來很相似,但它們的性能(包括效率)存在許多差異。與傳統 LED 相比,SMD 燈帶可產生更寬的光束,並且在更小的尺寸內具有更高的光通量。


  1. 白色 LED 燈條

LED燈帶有多種顏色,白色就是其中之一。不過,LED 燈帶有不同深淺的白色——冷白、中性白和暖白。每種色調都有自己的氛圍,根據環境選擇合適的白色色調很重要。



  1. RGB LED 燈帶

對於生動多彩的顯示,RGB LED 燈帶是完美的選擇。它們可以顯示除白色之外的紅-綠-藍組合中的多種顏色。如果同時需要 RGB 選項和白色 LED 燈條,那麼 RGBW 可能是最佳選擇。另外,人們可以考慮一 LED燈條RGB CCT (相關色溫)以獲得包括白色在內的更多顏色選項。

RGB LED 燈帶中的燈帶上安裝有許多 RGB 二極體。這些燈條可以透過使用多種不同的選項進行控制,包括智慧控制器和 DMX 控制器。只有使用正確的控制器才能對 RGB 條中所需的精確顏色進行微調。

RGB LED strip lights - LED Strip Light Guide: Everything You Need to Know - Vorlane

RGB LED燈條製造商 喜歡 沃蘭 專注於生產適合多種場合的高品質燈條。這些變色燈可靠且節能,因為它們能夠發出多種顏色。

LED 燈帶尺寸:寬度和長度

不同的買家需要不同長度和寬度的 LED 燈條 – LED 燈條的適當寬度和長度可確保完美貼合併防止不必要的電力浪費。所以,了解這一點很重要 LED燈帶尺寸 在向某公司購買大量產品之前 LED燈帶工廠


LED燈條的長度取決於其電壓。當燈帶超過一定長度時,電壓下降,燈的亮度不穩定。這是一個小清單 LED燈帶長度 適用於不同類型的 LED 燈條。

  • 12V DC LED 燈條 – 最長長度為 16 英尺(5 公尺)。
  • 24V DC LED 燈條 – 最長長度為 32 英尺(10 公尺)。
  • 24V 恆定電流 (CC) LED 燈條 – 最長長度為 65 英尺(20 公尺)。
  • 120V LED 燈條 – 最大長度為 164 英尺(50 公尺)。
  • 24V RGB 和 RGBW 燈條 – 最大運行長度為 23 英尺(7 公尺)。
  • 24V RGBCC 和 RGBWCC 燈條 – 最大運行長度為 50 英尺(20 公尺)。

如果買家需要更短的 LED燈條尺寸 在特定情況下,他們可以在不損壞其品質的情況下切割蟲子帶。這可以透過在專門標記的地方切割這些條帶來完成。這是因為這些線表示電路的末端,並且透過從那裡拆下,LED 燈條的各個部分仍將繼續發揮作用。

LED strip light - LED Strip Light Guide: Everything You Need to Know - Vorlane


眾所周知,多種類型的 LED 燈帶的亮度、顏色、流明發射率等特性各不相同。 LED燈帶寬度 – 這些條帶以不同的寬度製造,並且每種類型的條帶的寬度都不同。

LED 燈帶製造商生產的常見寬度為 – 8 毫米、10 毫米和 12 毫米。買家在選擇寬度合適的 LED 燈條時應非常小心。如果LED燈條的寬度不符合使用者或買家的意願,那麼它可能不適合某些情況。

When installing LED strips on a plain or smooth surface of a bigger surface, the width of the strip will not be a big factor. But, when the strips are to be installed in critical spaces like the edge of a board, the width will be a deciding factor in the adaptability of the strip. 


給定長度的LED燈帶中存在的LED數量的密度決定了所述燈帶的亮度。 LED 燈條的大量購買者需要考慮燈條的 LED 密度,即每公尺、英尺或碼的 LED 數量。 

The brightness of LEDs is measured in a unit called Lumens. The brightness of an LED strip is usually measured in lumens per foot or meter. In industrial settings, it is usually recommended that a buyer chooses LED strips with a minimum brightness of 450 lumens per foot. For ambiance and mood lighting, one cap opts for LED strips with a brightness of 200 lumens per foot.

Ambiance lighting using LED strip lights - LED Strip Light Guide: Everything You Need to Know - Vorlane


  • 每個 LED 發射器的光輸出和效率
  • 每英尺 LED 數量
  • 每英尺 LED 燈帶的耗電量

這是一個 LED燈帶流明圖 描述 LED 燈帶如何遠勝於其他傳統選項。

流明 白熾燈 引領
2600流明 150瓦 25 – 28 瓦
1600流明 100瓦 16 – 20 瓦
1100流明 75瓦 9 – 13 瓦
800流明 60瓦 8 -12 瓦
450流明 40瓦 6 – 9 瓦


LED strip lights appear in different colors, but the color white can be seen used often in ambiance lighting. It is important here to notice that different shades of white are produced because of different temperature settings in the LED strip, and this is where the CCT technology 進來。

CCT 表示相關色溫 – 這是表示 LED 燈條可以產生的白色色調的指標。它以開爾文 (K) 為單位進行測量。溫度和白色色調之間的相關性可以非常簡單地理解——開爾文越低,色調越暖,反之亦然。暖色調傾向於黃色色調,而冷色調則更接近藍色色調。

Warm yellow LED CCT strip lights - LED Strip Light Guide: Everything You Need to Know - Vorlane

即使LED燈帶的溫度發生變化,光的亮度和強度也會保持不變。這些條帶在 SMD 晶片和控制器的幫助下工作。 LED 燈帶 CCT 的平均溫度範圍為 2,700K 至 6,500K。 

下表描述了 CCT LED 燈帶的溫度範圍及其相應的色調。

溫度範圍 白色基調
2,000K – 3,500K 中性色調,即正常白色
3,500K – 5,100K 冷色調,即藍色
<5,100K 冷色調,即藍色

在購買 CCT LED 燈條之前,買家應考慮以下幾點:

  • Application – Generally, in residential and mood lighting, people opt for warm lighting options. For formal and industrial uses, a clearer tone of white is preferred. So, the buyer should be well informed of the choice they are making. In situations like these, one can also consider dual-white LED CCT strips that offer the option of switching temperatures.
  • Brightness – The brightness of LED strips is the same for any tone of color, but their quality might differ because of the difference in wavelengths. To make informed choices about bright and dim lighting options, it is advised to refer to a lumens chart.
  • Heat Emission – As the temperature settings in CCT LED strips are altered, the chances of frequent overheating also increase. It is common knowledge that overheating leads to the malfunction of LED strip lights. To avoid this, one should procure an LED strip light supply from a reputed outdoor LED strip light factory like Vorlane.


CCT 和 CRI 很容易混淆,因為它們都與 LED 燈帶的顏色有關。 CRI 代表顯色指數,它是用於計算光源在顏色再現方面的準確性的測量。 CRI 等級決定了 LED 燈條如何描繪其下方的物體,即它們再現物體原始顏色的程度。

當光源明亮且準確時,就很容易辨認出奇特的色調和色調,沒有太大困難。這就是 LED 燈帶的 CRI 發揮作用的地方。

因此,準確的光源將在多種環境中發揮至關重要的作用,包括化妝室或試用室等情況。當照明準確且明亮時,它可以幫助人們發現細微的差異並糾正任何可能的錯誤。與鹵素燈或 CFL 燈相比,LED 燈條通常具有更高的 CRI 等級,但選擇具有更高 CRI 的燈仍然很重要。




  1. 靈活性

很容易找到適合不同環境和應用的大量不同類型的 LED 燈帶。此外,這些條帶有多種顏色和顏色組合,使買家可以輕鬆選擇合適的條帶。


此外,還有固定和可變 LED 燈條——固定燈條僅發出一種顏色,而可變燈條則以 RGB 組合發出不同顏色。這些條帶易於處理,可以根據使用者的要求輕鬆切割。

  1. 多功能應用

室內、室外、工業和住宅—只要知道如何正確使用,LED 燈條就可以在任何地方使用。從餐廳的氣氛照明到實驗室的臨床照明,LED 燈帶可在許多專業和個人環境中使用,並取得巨大成功。

With some smart LED strip light ideas, one can transform any residential space into a humble abode or a party floor. It all depends on the user’s creativity and what the situation requires.

  1. 易於安裝

LED 燈帶非常容易安裝 - 大多數 LED 燈帶背面都附有雙面膠,因此可以輕鬆安裝在任何表面上。由於這些條帶窄而柔韌,因此很容易彎曲它們並將它們安裝在任何角落和角落。

買家在購買 LED 燈條之前應考慮的一些因素包括燈條的靈活性、耐用性和要求。

LED 燈條內部

  1. 節能

LED 因其高能源效率品質而廣泛應用 - 這些燈比傳統白熾燈泡節能高達 90%,使用壽命長達 25 倍。 美國能源部. Installing LED strip lights in place of the usual tubes can help everyone save energy as well as money.

  1. 更少的熱量產生

LED 燈條相對於傳統白熾燈照明選項的另一個重要優勢是其產生的熱量較少。在緊急情況下,任何人都可以使用 LED 燈條,因為這些燈不會像普通燈泡那樣發熱。熱量減少也意味著到達大氣的總熱量顯著減少,這對環境有利。

  1. 使用壽命更長且更具成本效益

LED 燈以其使用壽命長而聞名——據估計,有些燈的使用壽命約為 30,000 至 40,000 小時。此外,當 LED 燈老化時,它們不會突然熄滅,而是在很長一段時間內變暗,並且幾個月後幾乎無法識別變暗的情況。

LED 燈帶不僅價格實惠,而且比螢光燈和鹵素燈消耗更少的能源。這意味著多年來LED燈在電費方面也節省了金錢。

  1. 環境友善型

LED燈的使用壽命較長,本身就是環保產品的標誌。由於這些燈可以使用很長時間,因此不需要經常更換,從而減少了浪費。另外需要注意的是,LED 燈條產生的熱量非常少,對於減少向大氣排放的熱量至關重要。

  1. 亮度調節

The brightness of LED strip lights can be adjusted as needed by the user with the help of remote controllers. This characteristic of the LED strip lights makes it a suitable choice for mood lighting. This quality also enables the user to dim the lights whenever they need it – it also reduces energy consumption.




  • Residential – In residential spaces, mood and ambiance lighting can be perfectly arranged with the help of the right type of LED strip lights. By decorating cabinets, dressing tables, etc., one can create a particular mood in an indoor residential space.


  • Commercial – Commercial environments like retail shops, salons, etc., all require pristine lighting to improve their appeal. LED strip lights are the best option here for emphasizing the uniqueness of the space. Hotels, cafes, bars, and restaurants also benefit greatly from LED strip lights and mood lighting.
  • Industrial – Indoor industrial spaces like laboratories, offices, garages, etc., require adequate bright lighting. This is easily delivered by LED strip lights.


  • 住宅 – 當需要用柔和的色調裝飾住宅空間的外部時,LED 燈條可以完美完成工作。 
  • Commercial – Be it placing catchy signs or elegant designs, these can be perfectly achieved by the use of LED strip lights. Also, using these lights in outdoor commercial spaces is a great strategy because LED strip lights can be spotted from a long distance. After all, the light is transmitted in a straight line.

使用 LED 燈條進行氣氛照明

  • Industrial – Industrial lightings in outdoor spaces consist of LED strip lights because they require high brightness lighting options. They are employed in signage and advertising, Cove lighting, and other exterior elements.


隨著 LED 燈帶在不同環境中的使用量不斷增加,指出不同類型的買家在批量購買這些燈之前需要考慮的幾個因素變得非常重要。


  • Location – As an individual buyer, it becomes crucial to consider the location in which the LED strip lights are about to be put to use. The type of light one needs to purchase depends on the location, the environmental damages that occur in the location, where it will be installed, and how many feet of strip light the buyer needs.
  • Size – The next thing to consider is the LED strip size – the length and width of the strip lights needed and how they will be installed.
  • Custom-made – Some individual buyers require custom-made designs that fit their particular requirements. So, before a buyer settles for an option, they should look into the type of LED strip light supply a manufacturer can offer.
  • Aesthetic – Another important consideration is that buyers need to think of the aesthetic or effect they wish to achieve through these lights. There are so many options – accent lighting, perimeter lighting, specialty lighting, etc.- and the buyer should be clear about what type of lighting they wish to achieve. 

裝飾用柔性 LED 燈帶


  • Budget – Professional buyers should always factor their budget into the formula before approaching any manufacturers. Opting for cost-effective yet quality suppliers like Vorlane can help bulk purchasers handle their budgets well.
  • IP Rating Certification – Buyers should be sure whether they are purchasing LED strip lights only from a certified manufacturer. The buyer should ask the manufacturer to produce certifications related to industry standards for ensuring the credibility of the factory.
  • Material Quality – It is not just the quality of the LED strips that matter but also the quality of the raw materials that were used in the production of these strips. 
  • Lead Time – Bulk purchasers should look out for manufacturers who have a faster turnaround period – this will help in the faster completion of orders and quicker and safer delivery, too.
  • Warranty – Purchasers need to look for a standard warranty period for the LED strip lights they make.
  • Assistance – The manufacturer should be willing to provide post-delivery assistance with installation and other related services.

解決難題:LED 燈條出現的問題


有沒有註意到您的 LED 燈條像害羞的星星一樣閃爍?通常,這只是連接鬆動或電源出現問題。快速檢查並擰緊可能正是您需要的修復方法。


沿著 LED 照明的走廊行走不應感覺像是燈光秀。如果亮度水平下降,則可能是您將條帶拉伸得離電源太遠。考慮提高功率或更短的運行時間以保持發光均勻。


Mixed-up colors across your LED strips? It could be a mismatch in batches or settings gone wild. Double-check that your strips are from the same family and tweak those controller settings for harmony in hues.


當您的 LED 燈帶開始像柳枝一樣下垂時,通常是因為表面骯髒或溫度錯誤。乾淨、乾燥的表面和一些額外的支撐可以讓你的燈保持閃亮。

Dead Sections: Encountering a dead zone in your LED paradise? Damage or moisture might be the culprits. Inspect for cuts or watermarks and consider waterproof options for areas prone to dampness.

Navigating these common LED strip light issues doesn’t have to dim your spirits. With a bit of troubleshooting, your lights will be back to brighten your space in no time.


This LED strip light guide touches upon all the topics related to these strip lights and their different types. LED strip lights are versatile and perfect for many settings. These lights also boast many advantages over traditional options like fluorescent lights. Different types of LED strip lights are used in various situations. A buyer should consider several factors before opting for a particular type of LED light. For custom-made, high-quality LED strip lights, buyers can contact the best RGB LED strip light supplier in China, 沃蘭.

