I 10 principali produttori di strisce luminose a LED in India [aggiornato al 2024]

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  • I 10 principali produttori di strisce luminose a LED in India [aggiornato al 2024]

La domanda di luci a LED in India sta aumentando rapidamente. È a causa dei vantaggi che le luci a LED offrono alle famiglie e ai proprietari di spazi commerciali che preferiscono questa opzione. Ciò incoraggia molti produttori ad entrare nel mercato, rendendo così dura la concorrenza. 

Le luci a LED durano più a lungo, sono efficienti, sfruttano meno energia e sono anche facili da mantenere. Con le tantissime opzioni di illuminazione a LED disponibili, diventa difficile decidere quale acquistare. Di seguito elenchiamo i 10 principali produttori di strisce luminose a LED in India affinché i nostri lettori possano fare una scelta informata. 

I 10 migliori produttori di strisce luminose a LED in India

È della massima importanza fare la scelta ideale quando si tratta di illuminare la propria casa. Le luci vengono utilizzate ogni giorno e quindi è necessario assicurarsi che diano il miglior giudizio per attirare un minor consumo di energia e opzioni durevoli. 

Nome della dittaEstablishment YearPosizione
Vorlane2007Cina, India
Avni Energy Solutions Pvt Ltd2009Bangalore
InstaPower Ltd2011Gurgaon
NTL Lemnis India Pvt Ltd2012Noida
VIN Semiconductors Pvt Ltd2009Bombay
Abby Illuminazione e quadri Ltd2010Bombay
Sujana Energia Ltd1989Hyderabad
Goldwyn Ltd1987Noida
Reiz Electrocontrols Pvt Ltd1938New Delhi
Ottica e ingegneria alleata Pvt Ltd1985Bangalore
Bajaj Electricals Ltd1938Bombay


Tipo di affari: Produttore, fornitore, industria

Sede centrale: Cina

Fabbriche: Cina, India

Mercati principali: Globale

Establishment Year: 2007

Certificati/Premi: Certificato ISO 9001:2015, Downlight BIS

Logo Vorlane 4

Uno di principali produttori di strisce luminose a LED when it comes to LED lighting options. They are into designing, developing and manufacturing our products. The company has a robust presence across the nation through sales, marketing, support centers, etc. With a wide variety of options available when it comes to LED lighting, it has a large base of satisfied customers who repeat their purchases from the brand. 

Prodotti chiave

Avni Energy Solutions Pvt Ltd

tipo di affari: Produttore e Fornitore

Sede centrale: Bangalore

Establishment Year: 2009

Certificazioni: ETDC, ISO: 9001-2008, UL, Bangalore e ERTL Calcutta. 

Avni Energia

Con oltre un decennio di esperienza nel settore dell'illuminazione a LED, Avni Energia offers a range of LED strip lights and LED lighting to its customers at cost-effective rates. The company is committed to offering nothing but only the best in the industry. They strive for excellence and have a vast product spread of lights, fixtures, etc. The company has a huge number of products installed across the nation and in other countries as well. 

Prodotti chiave

InstaPower Ltd

tipo di affari: Produttore e Fornitore

Sede centrale: Gurgaon

Establishment Year: 2011

Certificati: ESCO

Logo Instapower 1

Instapower is one of the largest producers of LED strip lights and other LED lights that have domestic and commercial purposes. It specializes in manufacturing aviation obstruction lights in India and delivers its products to other countries as well. Its manufacturing units are all equipped with the latest technology machines and state-of-the-art equipment to offer superior quality products. 

Prodotti chiave

NTL Lemnis India Pvt Ltd

tipo di affari: Produzione e fornitura

Sede centrale: Noida

Establishment Year: 2012

Logo NTL

Operations and the supply of this firm’s products are not limited to India, but it also has a great reputation in other parts of the world. Being one of the leading manufacturers of LED strip light products and having a good amount of experience, the company has earned a great reputation in the industry. The LED lighting solutions of this company are loved by the end-users, and it has several repeat customers. It offers durable options that would last longer than the expectations of its consumers. 

Prodotti chiave

VIN Semiconductors Pvt Ltd

tipo di affari: Produttore e Fornitore

Sede centrale: Bombay

Establishment Year: 2005

Logo VIN

VIN is one of the strongest contenders operating in the LED lighting industry. With several years of experience, the company is well-aware of the needs of its consumers and it delivers the same ensuring quality. Its facilities have automated machines integrated with state-of-the-art technologies to deliver the best. The firm has a team of highly skilled and professional people who strive to provide complete solutions to the end-users. 

Prodotti chiave

  • Illuminazione con strisce LED
  • Modules for Signs
  • Downlight
  • Luci a LED
  • Proiettori
  • Video walls and ceiling lights

Abby Illuminazione e quadri Ltd

tipo di affari: Produzione e fornitura

Sede centrale: Bombay

Establishment Year: 2009

Il logo dell'Abby

L'azienda is another leading producer of LED strip lights and other LED fixtures. It supplies its products throughout the nation and, at some times, exports as well. With a great industry experience, it delivers products as per the needs of its users. The firm makes it a point to stay competitive in the industry, so it keeps launching innovative products. Abby Lighting has been delivering high-end lighting solutions for years now. Right from start to finish, the company has in-house processes to ensure quality results. 

Prodotti chiave

Sujana Energia Ltd

tipo di affari: Produzione e fornitura

Sede centrale: Hyderabad

Establishment Year: 2010

Logo Sujana Energy

L'azienda sta crescendo rapidamente nel settore indiano dell'illuminazione a strisce LED. L’azienda è nota anche per la sua mentalità “energetica responsabile” e incoraggia le persone a generare energia attraverso fonti rinnovabili. Si rivolge ai mercati consumer e commerciali di tutto il mondo, con i suoi prodotti di alta qualità. I suoi prodotti sono utilizzati per applicazioni solari fotovoltaiche e illuminazione a LED. L'azienda si impegna a trovare ed esplorare varie opportunità nel campo dei display a LED e delle opzioni di illuminazione. 

Prodotti chiave

  • Strisce luminose a LED
  • Luci LED portatili per uso esterno ed interno.

Goldwyn Ltd

tipo di affari: Produzione e fornitura

Sede centrale: Noida

Establishment Year: 1989

Marchio Goldwyn1

With great industry experience, Goldwyn is one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of LED strip lights and other LED lighting products. They offer a vast range of aesthetically and modern designed products to add value to one’s space. Their efficient lighting solutions are best for both internal and external applications. The firm owns a modern manufacturing plant with the latest tools and technologies to ensure quality. It manufactures all crucial components of a lighting unit and installs them themselves. 

Prodotti chiave

Reiz Electrocontrols Pvt Ltd

tipo di affari: Produzione e fornitura

Sede centrale: Nuova Delhi

Establishment Year: 1987

Marchio Reiz1

Reiz Electrocontrols is a leading LED strip lighting producer in the Indian industry. The company is into manufacturing all the components required to make an LED light in-house. Having said that, components like electrical, mechanical, optical, and thermal are all manufactured in-house. It has a vast manufacturing space spread over an area of 5574.18 sq meters and is all equipped with the latest technology machines. The firm manufactures products for several international brands as well. 

Prodotti chiave

  • Outdoor Luminaires
  • LED indoor lights
  • Electronic Control Gears
  • Strisce luminose a LED

Ottica e ingegneria alleata Pvt Ltd

tipo di affari: Produzione e fornitura

Sede centrale: Bangalore

Establishment Year: 1985

Il logo dell'Ottica

L'azienda has been operating in the LED lighting industry for several years now and is, therefore, aware of the ins and outs. It has developed competence and skills in developing innovative lighting and similar solutions. It has a vast manufacturing facility with the latest technology machinery to manufacture quality products on a budget. 

Prodotti chiave

  • Optics and lenses
  • LED backlights
  • Strisce luminose a LED

Bajaj Electricals Ltd

Tipo di affari: Produttore e fornitore

Sede centrale: Bombay

Establishment Year: 1938

Certificazioni: ISO 9001, ISO 14001 e OHSAS 18001

Bajaj Electricals Ltd

Bajaj Electricals Ltd, a stalwart in the Indian electrical equipment manufacturing industry, has been illuminating lives for more than eight decades. Renowned for its wide array of electrical products, Bajaj Electricals is particularly celebrated for its innovative LED strip lights and comprehensive lighting solutions, which are offered at competitive prices. The company’s dedication to quality, innovation, and sustainability has cemented its status as a leader in the field. With a robust portfolio that includes everything from domestic lighting to large-scale industrial installations, Bajaj Electricals boasts a significant footprint across India and abroad.

Prodotti chiave:

  • Lampadine a LED
  • Strisce luminose a LED
  • Illuminazione esterna
  • Illuminazione decorativa domestica

Bajaj Electricals si impegna a migliorare l'esperienza dei clienti attraverso una qualità di prodotto superiore e un'innovazione incessante. La loro vasta gamma di soluzioni di illuminazione è progettata per soddisfare le diverse esigenze dei clienti, garantendo efficienza energetica e appeal estetico. La presenza a livello nazionale e il servizio post-vendita completo dell'azienda rafforzano ulteriormente la sua reputazione di marchio affidabile nel settore elettrico e dell'illuminazione.


In our article, we list the top 10 LED strip light manufacturers. Next time when someone is on the lookout for quality products for their home or commercial space, they can have a look at this list. Buy from a leading LED light manufacturer to be sure of the quality and price. Leading manufacturers and suppliers deliver quality products at competitive prices. For high-quality goods for the lighting business, si prega di contattare Vorlane.

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