الإضاءة في مكان العمل لها تأثير كبير على الأداء الوظيفي للمكان وسلامته.

إضاءة جيدة keeps your employees healthy and safe from unwanted accidents.

Working places like construction sites and manufacturing facilities often have bad vision rates.

The workers do not see things properly due to dust and particles in the area. This causes severe accidents.

And you may end up dealing with hospital bills and lawsuits. In such situations, OSHA steps in.

OSHA stands for Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

It is an organization that ensures that your workplace is safe and has proper light sources.

OSHA lighting standards 1910 are designed to ensure that workplaces are adequately lit to promote safety, efficiency, and worker health. 

هنا، فورلان سوف يرشدك حول معايير الإضاءة الخاصة بـ OSHA للشركات الصناعية.

ما هو معنى شمعة القدم؟

The measuring unit or component of OSHA is known as the Foot Candle.

If you want to know more about what exactly OSHA standards are, then you should learn about Foot candles.

It is a unit of measurement used to quantify light intensity.

It means that it calculates the amount of light that falls on a surface area. The formula to calculate foot-candle is:

Foot-Candle = Lumen / Square Foot.

Where lumen is the total amount of visible light emitted by a light source.

Another unit to measure light intensity is lux (lx), which is calculated as follows:

Lux = Lumen / Square Meter

OSHA requires adequate lighting through the set quantities for these measurement units to ensure workplace safety.

مستويات الإضاءة الموصى بها من قبل إدارة السلامة والصحة المهنية (OSHA) للمكاتب

Light has a great influence on workers’ ability to see computer screens.

A good amount of light helps workers to see computers easily.

At the same time, inappropriate light causes eye strain in employees while working.

The level of الضوء الذي تحتاجه في المكتب يختلف كثيرًا عن الضوء الذي تحتاجه في مكان عمل آخر.

فيما يلي الإرشادات التي أوصت بها إدارة السلامة والصحة المهنية (OSHA). إضاءة المكاتب:

  1. استخدم ضوء المكتب وأضواء المهام على كل طاولة عمل.
  2. تطبيق الستائر والستائر على النوافذ. إنه يحمي مكانك من الضوء الساطع اللامع.
  3. ضع أجهزة الكمبيوتر والشاشات على الجانب الآخر من النافذة، حيث لا يسقط الضوء على الشاشات.
  4. قم بتطبيق التشطيبات غير اللامعة والألوان الفاتحة على الأسقف والجدران لتخفيف انعكاس الضوء وتقليل التباين.

معايير الإضاءة في مكان العمل: الحد الأدنى

Guided by the recommendations from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES), OSHA has set the following lighting levels: 

General construction area lighting needs a minimum of 5-foot candles.

Shops and plants need at least the brightness of 10-foot candles.

The minimum level of brightness standard varies for various construction workplaces:

  1. المستوصفات ومكان الإسعافات الأولية: 30 قدم-ج
  2. المخارج والممرات والمستودعات: 10 قدم -ج
  3. الأنفاق والأعمدة تحت الأرض: 5 قدم ج
  4. مناطق النفايات ومناطق التخزين ومنصات التحميل ومناطق التزود بالوقود: 3 قدم -ج

In common commercial places, the minimum lighting requirements are as follows

  1. المعارض والمكاتب والمعامل: 500 لوكس
  2. الورش والمصانع: 750 لوكس
  3. المستودعات ومنصات التحميل: 300-400 لوكس
  4. Stairwells, corridors, and lobbies: 200 lux
  5. ممرات المستودعات: 100-200 لوكس

OSHA Lighting Requirements

تشير متطلبات غطاء ضوء OSHA إلى ضرورة وجود لوحات واقية جميع أنواع تركيبات الإضاءة.

علاوة على ذلك، يجب أن تحتوي تركيبات الإضاءة على درع واقي لحمايتها من الأحداث غير المرغوب فيها. 

Particularly areas where light fixtures have a chance of getting damaged.

The same advice goes for pull boxes, fittings, and junction boxes.

مزايا اتباع معايير الإضاءة OSHA

OSHA workplace lighting standards basically present multiple benefits.

It significantly enhances work productivity.

Moreover, a comfortable and serene environment enhances the employee’s mood.

Ultimately, it will increase work productivity and positive results.

All of these factors combine together and bring productivity.

OSHA standards ensure that your workplace adheres to all rules for minimum lighting required.

Safety should be your priority in your workplace.

Because it determines the reputation of your company as a brand and you as an employer.

Additionally, no one wants to collaborate with a firm that does not have any security.

They always feel unsafe while working with you.

مخاطر عدم الالتزام بمعايير الإضاءة الخاصة بإدارة السلامة والصحة المهنية (OSHA).

يقوم مفتشو إدارة السلامة والصحة المهنية (OSHA) بفرض غرامات على الشركة إذا لم تتبع قواعد الإضاءة الخاصة بإدارة السلامة والصحة المهنية (OSHA).

The companies have to deal with the following penalty amounts in this case:

  1. $16,131 costs if you do a serious violation of the rules
  2. $16,131 per day if you fail to Abate previous violation
  3. $161,323 costs if you repeat the violation

يتعين على الشركات التي لا تمتثل لقواعد الإضاءة الخاصة بإدارة السلامة والصحة المهنية أن تواجه أيضًا مخاطر أخرى تتمثل في دفع أموال ضخمة مقابل ذلك

  1. أولاً، تتوفر دعاوى المسؤولية عن الإصابة الشخصية أو الوفاة غير المشروعة للعامل أو الموظف. ثانيًا، توجد عمليات تفتيش واستشهادات متكررة في مختلف المجالات.
  2. Thirdly, boycotts from regular authorities like DOL or EPA
  3. تتمتع الشركة بسمعة سيئة، مما يؤدي إلى إلغاء العقد وخسارة المشروع ومقاطعة المزيد من التعاون.

You have to remember that you and your contractors both follow the OSHA lighting standards.

Their negligence also results in your fall.

Moreover, the process of managing contractors’ compliance takes time.

But now we have contractor compliance software, which makes the process easy and efficient.

متطلبات تركيب الإضاءة الخاصة بإدارة السلامة والصحة المهنية (OSHA).

ال 1910.305 إدارة السلامة والصحة المهنية يعرض المعيار متطلبات تركيب الإضاءة.

The rules and regulations for permanent and temporary تركيبات إضاءة are the same.

The ground conductors of light must safely be grounded.

Do not use ducts that have flammable vapors or dust to install any kind of wirings.

Moreover, the temporary lights under 600 volts must follow the safety rules more closely.

They should only be utilized in repair, remodeling, or emergency work.

إضاءة المهام والطوارئ

تم تصميم مصابيح المهام خصيصًا لتوجيه الضوء إلى منطقة معينة.

بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يدير المعيار 1910 استخدام ضوء الطوارئ.

Most of the standard rules for general lights and emergency lights are the same.

The only difference is that temporary installation of light above 600 volts is used in emergency works, tests, or temporary construction tasks.

معايير الإضاءة الخاصة بإدارة السلامة والصحة المهنية (OSHA) تحمي العمال

The safety lighting standards of OSHA protect employees.

It ensures that the workplace has enough illumination to prevent injuries and accidents.

OSHA safety lighting standards protect the worker by the following:

بيان الأخطار

Proper lighting in a workplace ensures that the worker has visibility.

It protects workers from getting injuries due to obstacles, equipment malfunctions, and spills from the lack of visibility.

علاوة على ذلك، good lighting كما يتيح للعاملين التعرف على حالة الطوارئ والاستجابة لها بسرعة.

منع الإصابات

If the workplace does not have proper lighting, it will increase the chances of injuries and accidents.

Inadequate lighting makes it difficult for employees to see the areas clearly.

Additionally, the OSHA lighting standards guarantee that there should be enough brightness in the workplace.

So people can easily see and protect them from unwanted injuries and accidents.

Lighting the Way: A Manufacturing Facility’s Journey to Compliance

In the heart of industrial America, a mid-sized manufacturing facility faced a common challenge: outdated lighting that dimmed productivity and raised safety concerns.

The journey to compliance with OSHA lighting standards wasn’t just about ticking boxes; it was about turning a dimly lit workspace into a beacon of efficiency and safety.


Workers strained to see in poorly lit areas, leading to errors and accidents.

The existing fluorescent lighting was inefficient, casting uneven shadows and hiking up energy costs.


The facility embarked on a comprehensive lighting overhaul.

The key to the transformation was the switch to LED lighting, which was chosen for its energy efficiency and longevity.

Task-specific lighting was installed at workstations, ensuring precise tasks could be performed safely and effectively.

Overhead LEDs brightened common areas, while motion sensors and dimmable options added layers of efficiency and control.


The results were illuminating. Not only did the facility meet OSHA’s stringent lighting standards, but it also saw a significant drop in workplace accidents.

Workers reported less eye strain and higher satisfaction with their improved environment.

Energy costs plummeted thanks to the efficiency of تكنولوجيا الصمام.


The OSHA light standard ensures that your workplace has a functional and safe environment.

It keeps the workers safe from any unwanted accidents.

Moreover, It must be difficult to comply with all the rules and regulations in a workplace.

However, it is essential for a safe working place.

Therefore, make sure to get help from Vorlane to make your compliance management easier and faster. اتصل بنا الآن!

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