Home Office Lighting Manufacturer who can help you increase competitiveness

Vorlane LED Home Office Lighting Series

VORLANE's Home Office Lighting
is the Perfect Solution for Your Work-at-Home Needs

Jawabannya sederhana: Vorlane Berbeda.

You can fully customize unique LED product based on our patented & self-designed home office lighting series.
You can count on our responsive and knowledgeable customer service team to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
You can enjoy hassle-free procurement and delivery, thanks to our efficient supply chain management and logistics systems.
Anda akan mendapatkan dukungan pemasaran yang kuat untuk membantu Anda menjual produk dengan sukses, dukungan materi meliputi: gambar produk resolusi tinggi, video efek 3d yang keren, dan BANYAK lagi.

Jadi, kenapa bukan Vorlane? Hubungi kami sekarang untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang bagaimana kami dapat membantu Anda.

Produk yang Sedang Tren

Meningkatkan Efek
Kontrol Cerdas
Chip Kecerahan Tinggi
Sangat dapat disesuaikan
Mudah untuk Menginstal
Hemat energi

Bagaimana kami dapat meningkatkan daya saing & keuntungan di pasar Anda?

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Pada akhirnya Kustomisasi Mendalam

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Dengarkan ide-ide Anda dan pahami sepenuhnya kebutuhan Anda.

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Berikan dukungan visual 3D untuk mengubah ide Anda menjadi produk jadi.

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For architects and designers seeking unique and tailored lighting solutions, VORLANE's deep customization capabilities offer endless possibilities.

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Penelitian dan Pengembangan yang luar biasa

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Perasaan dan masukan Anda penting bagi kami yang membantu kami terus meningkatkan dan meningkatkan produk kami.

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Jika Anda tidak dapat menemukan produk LED yang tepat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar Anda. Cukup beritahu kami, kami akan menyesuaikannya untuk membantu Anda menonjol dalam kompetisi.

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Our R&D team allows VORLANE to continuously innovate and improve our lighting solutions, delivering quality products to retailers and wholesalers.

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Harga yang sangat kompetitif

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Pabrik milik sendiri membuat semuanya di bawah satu atap dan terkendali.

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Terletak di kawasan industri lampu LED terbesar di Cina dengan rantai pasokan lengkap.

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Our pricing advantage enables VORLANE to provide retailers with lighting products that are both eye-catching and cost-effective.

Siap untuk WOW?

Tonton video berdurasi 1 menit untuk melihat beberapa detail dan teknologi menakjubkan yang kami gunakan dalam proyek Anda berikutnya.
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Bagaimana kami dapat mengurangi rasa tidak aman Anda & membuat Anda lebih percaya diri di antara banyak pemasok?

ikon pabrik vorlane
Kami adalah Pabrik

Our factory allows us to quickly adapt to changing market demands and customer needs, providing you with the latest and best lighting products.

ikon lokasi pabrik vorlane
Keuntungan Geografis

Pabrik VORLANE berlokasi di Guzhen, Zhongshan, Cina, yang dikenal sebagai pusat pembuatan lampu global. Di sinilah kami mendapatkan saran industri dan informasi teknis langsung dari seluruh dunia.

ikon pekerja pabrik vorlane
Kemampuan Produksi 1.000.000/M

Kami meningkatkan efisiensi produksi dan mengurangi tingkat produk cacat dengan memodernisasi lini produksi kami. Dengan waktu yang lebih singkat, lebih banyak produk berkualitas tinggi yang dapat diproduksi.

Lebih banyak nomor & sertifikat untuk ditambahkan...

0 +
proses pemeriksaan kualitas
0 +
Kualifikasi ekspor nasional
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Garansi 5 Tahun Untuk SEMUA Produk

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Amankan bisnis Anda dengan garansi 5 tahun kami untuk SEMUA produk.

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Selama masa garansi, Anda akan mendapatkan dukungan cepat untuk masalah produk APAPUN.

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Jika Anda menerima barang dan memerlukan penggantian, kami dapat mengatur penggantian cepat untuk Anda.

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24/7/365 Dukungan Purna Jual

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Kapan pun Anda membutuhkan dukungan, beri tahu kami apa yang terjadi.

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Kami berjanji untuk membalas dalam waktu 1 jam dan menawarkan solusi yang memuaskan dalam waktu 8 jam.

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Semua solusi purna jual GRATIS.

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Proses kustomisasi 7 hari

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VORLANE's 7-day customization process offers quick and quality lighting solutions.

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Efficient lighting solutions for architects and designers in 7 days.

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Our supply chain network ensures top-quality materials for your products.

Click button above to ask for custom home office lighting

A free more things about home office lighting you might be interested in...

Home Office Lighting Solutions

Pencahayaan Tersembunyi
Recessed lighting from Vorlane is one of the most popular home office lighting solutions because it is versatile and relatively easy to install. Recessed lights can be used to highlight paintings or photographs, create a warm and inviting atmosphere, or provide task lighting for a desk or work area. Recessed lighting are cost-effective and attractive way to light the home office.

Pencahayaan Tugas
Task lighting is a type of lighting specifically designed to illuminate a work area. Task lights are often used in home offices, as they provide a clear and focused light that makes it easier to see what you’re working on. Task lighting should be bright enough to reduce eye strain and provide ample illumination for the specific task at hand, but it should not be so bright that it creates glare or wash out colors.

Lacak Pencahayaan
Track lighting is a versatile and easily adjustable lighting solution that is ideal for home offices. Track lighting consists of a series of light fixtures that are mounted on a metal track. The track can be positioned to direct light where it is needed, and the individual light fixtures can be moved along the track to adjust the light output.

LED Lighting Ideas for Home Office

Lampu Strip LED
LED strip lights are a great option for home office lighting. They are easy to install, and they provide a lot of light. LED strip lights can be used to light up the desk, or they can be used to accentuate artwork on the walls. LED strip lights are also very versatile, so you can use them to accentuate artwork or highlight bookshelves.

LED Desk Lamps
LED desk lamps are a great way to add some style and personality to the home office. They take up very little space, and they can be positioned to give the perfect amount of light for work.

LED Floor Lamps
LED floor lamps help to brighten up the home office and create a more inviting space. They can be placed in corners or next to desk, and they provide a lot of light. LED floor lamps come in many different styles, so you can choose one that fits the office decor.

LED Light Bulbs
When choosing LED light bulbs for home office, you should choose bulbs that give off a lot of light. Bright white light is perfect for offices, because it helps you to see clearly. LED light bulbs from Vorlane are very energy-efficient, which will save money on electric bill.

Lampu Plafon LED
LED ceiling lights are a great option for home penerangan kantor. This type of light is installed into the ceiling, so it doesn’t take up any space in the office. The LED light produces a bright, white light that is perfect for working in home office.

LED Pendant Lights
LED pendant lights are a great way to add some style to the home office. They can be hung from the ceiling, or they can be placed on a shelf or desk. LED pendant lights come in many different styles, so you can choose one that fits the office decor.

Considerations for Choosing the Best Home Office Lighting

Jenis Cahaya

The first thing you need to consider when buying home office lighting is the type of light you want to use. There are a variety of different light available on the market, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.


If you want a bright light for the home office, then you will need to choose a high wattage. However, if you want a softer light, then you will need to choose a lower wattage.


Some people prefer a white light, while others prefer a yellow or orange light. There are also some people who prefer a blue or green light.


If you have a small home office, then you will need to choose a small lightbulb. However, if you have a large home office, then you will need to choose a larger lightbulb.


Home office lighting can be expensive, so you need to make sure you choose a light that is within your budget. You can find a variety of different lights at Vorlane and you can compare prices to find the best deal.


Home Office Lighting Scenarios

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