LED Step Lights Manufacturer who can help you increase competitiveness

Produk yang Sedang Tren

Meningkatkan Efek
Kontrol Cerdas
Chip Kecerahan Tinggi
Sangat dapat disesuaikan
Mudah untuk Menginstal
Hemat energi

Elevate Your Lighting Game with Vorlane's Superior LED step lights

Jawabannya sederhana: Vorlane Berbeda.

You can fully customize unique LED product based on our patented & self-designed LED step lights series.
You'll receive clear and transparent pricing, with no hidden fees or surprises.
You can depend on us for end-to-end solutions, from design to manufacturing to delivery.
Anda akan mendapatkan dukungan pemasaran yang kuat untuk membantu Anda menjual produk dengan sukses, dukungan materi meliputi: gambar produk resolusi tinggi, video efek 3d yang keren, dan BANYAK lagi.

Jadi, kenapa bukan Vorlane? Hubungi kami sekarang untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang bagaimana kami dapat membantu Anda.

Bagaimana kami dapat meningkatkan daya saing & keuntungan di pasar Anda?

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Pada akhirnya Kustomisasi Mendalam

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Dengarkan ide-ide Anda dan pahami sepenuhnya kebutuhan Anda.

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Berikan dukungan visual 3D untuk mengubah ide Anda menjadi produk jadi.

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Our ability to customize products and solutions to fit your specific needs and budgets saves you money in the long run.

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Penelitian dan Pengembangan yang luar biasa

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Our rigorous R&D process ensures that we optimize every aspect of the production process, minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency.

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Our team of experienced engineers brings a wealth of knowledge and skill to every project, ensuring that we deliver exceptional results every time.

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We continually invest in research and development to stay at the forefront of the industry, incorporating the latest technology and design trends into our production processes.

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Harga yang sangat kompetitif

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Pabrik milik sendiri membuat semuanya di bawah satu atap dan terkendali.

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Terletak di kawasan industri lampu LED terbesar di Cina dengan rantai pasokan lengkap.

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Berbagai opsi penyesuaian untuk Anda pilih

Siap untuk WOW?

Tonton video berdurasi 1 menit untuk melihat beberapa detail dan teknologi menakjubkan yang kami gunakan dalam proyek Anda berikutnya.
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Bagaimana kami dapat mengurangi rasa tidak aman Anda & membuat Anda lebih percaya diri di antara banyak pemasok?

ikon pabrik vorlane
Kami adalah Pabrik

Our unwavering commitment to quality means you can trust our products to perform consistently and reliably over time, helping to build trust with your customers and contribute to long-term success.

ikon lokasi pabrik vorlane
Keuntungan Geografis

Pabrik VORLANE berlokasi di Guzhen, Zhongshan, Cina, yang dikenal sebagai pusat pembuatan lampu global. Di sinilah kami mendapatkan saran industri dan informasi teknis langsung dari seluruh dunia.

ikon pekerja pabrik vorlane
Kemampuan Produksi 1.000.000/M

Kami meningkatkan efisiensi produksi dan mengurangi tingkat produk cacat dengan memodernisasi lini produksi kami. Dengan waktu yang lebih singkat, lebih banyak produk berkualitas tinggi yang dapat diproduksi.

Lebih banyak nomor & sertifikat untuk ditambahkan...

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proses pemeriksaan kualitas
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Kualifikasi ekspor nasional
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Garansi 5 Tahun Untuk SEMUA Produk

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Amankan bisnis Anda dengan garansi 5 tahun kami untuk SEMUA produk.

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Selama masa garansi, Anda akan mendapatkan dukungan cepat untuk masalah produk APAPUN.

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Jika Anda menerima barang dan memerlukan penggantian, kami dapat mengatur penggantian cepat untuk Anda.

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24/7/365 Dukungan Purna Jual

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Kapan pun Anda membutuhkan dukungan, beri tahu kami apa yang terjadi.

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Kami berjanji untuk membalas dalam waktu 1 jam dan menawarkan solusi yang memuaskan dalam waktu 8 jam.

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Semua solusi purna jual GRATIS.

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Proses kustomisasi 7 hari

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Precise manufacturing with advanced technology.

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Scalable production for orders of any size.

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Our advanced prototyping capabilities allow us to quickly evaluate and refine designs, saving time and money in the production process.

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A free more things about LED step lights you might be interested in...

LED Step Lights Type

LED Step Lights with Motion Sensor

LED step lights with motion sensors turn on when they sense motion. They are perfect for use in areas where you want light but don’t want to have to worry about turning a light on or off. These lights are often used in stairways so that you can see where you are going without having to fumble for a light switch.

LED Recessed Step Lights

LED recessed step lights are installed on the floor, providing illumination without taking up valuable space. They are available in a variety of styles and finishes to complement the decor. These lights are perfect for use in stairways, hallways, and other areas where you need to be able to see but don’t want a light fixture taking up space.

Low Voltage Step Lights

Vorlane’s low voltage step lights are self-contained LED lights that can be installed in a variety of places, such as on stairs, under cabinets, or in other tight spaces. They use less energy than traditional light bulbs and last much longer. Low-voltage step lights are available in a variety of styles to match the decor.

LED Step Lights Applications


LED step lights are commonly used in industrial applications where safety is a top priority. LED step lights provide a bright, clear light that illuminates the stairway and helps prevent accidents.


Vorlane’s LED step lights are typically used in commercial applications, such as office buildings, retail stores, and hotels. LED step lights help create a safe and inviting environment for customers and employees.


Homes should also be equipped with LED step lights. LED step lights help you see where you are going in the dark and can also be used to accentuate certain features of the home.

Considerations for Choosing the LED Step Lights


Wattage refers to the amount of power that a light bulb uses. The higher the wattage, the more power the light bulb will use. LED step lights are available in a variety of wattages, so it is important to select the right one for your needs.


Lumens measure the amount of light that a light bulb emits. The higher the number of lumens, the brighter the light will be. Vorlane’s LED step lights are available in a variety of lumens, so it is important to select the right one for your business needs.

Temperatur warna

LED step lights are also available in a variety of color temperatures. Color temperature is measured on a scale from cool to warm, with cool being closer to blue and warm being closer to yellow. It is important to select an LED step light with a color temperature that will complement the other lights in the home.


Some Vorlane LED step lights are dimmable, which means that they can be adjusted to emit less light if desired. Dimmable LED step lights are ideal for homes where different levels of lighting are desired at different times of the day.

Sumber daya

LED step lights are available in a variety of power sources, including battery-operated, plug-in, and hardwired. It is important to select an LED step light with the right power source.


Installing LED step lights is typically a simple process that can be done by most homeowners without professional assistance. However, it is important to read the instructions that come with a particular product carefully before beginning installation to ensure proper installation and avoid any damage to the home’s electrical system.


LED Step Lights Scenarios

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