Guide to Lighting up Your Stairway

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Stairs are a crucial part of our homes. Due to this reason, they require more attention when it comes to renovation. Stairs are also functional and repeatedly used in a house. Therefore, it is essential to use best practices to renovate them. There are different ways to do this. 

However, lighting up stairs is a new way to renovate the staircase. These lights don’t only look sophisticated but provide more light to the stairs. So that family members can use them at night. 

There is much more to the lighting of the staircase. The purpose of this guide is to provide necessary insights on the lighting upstairs. So, if you want to renovate your stairs, you can do it uniquely and attractively. 

Different Types of Stairway Lighting

Staircase lighting has different types and is readily available on the market. Some of these types are multi-purpose and can be used in other places. The common types of staircase lighting are listed below: 

  1. Ambient lighting is a common type. Also, this is a reliable light for indoor installation. Recommendable light sources for this light include chandeliers, recessed lights, track lighting, and overhead fixtures. 
  2. Accent lighting is also famous among homeowners. It makes an area in your home more prominent, such as highlighting your photo wall. Accent lighting is also adaptable to interior spaces and blends well. 
  3. Task lighting is thoroughly recommendable for staircases. These lights are limited to a task. For instance, you can install them around your writing table to make writing easier. These focus on a particular area for executing a task. 

Top Ideas and Methods to lighten up your stairway

Below are some proven methods for lighting a stairway. Homeowners can also beautify these methods with their creativity. These ideas are a good start when it comes to renovating stairways. 

  • Wall lighting. Wall lighting with wall scones and recessed lights will reflect on your staircase. These will provide the stairs with a soft glow, which will be beneficial for using the stairs at night. Wall lighting guarantees more visibility and beautification. 
  • Step highlights. Therefore, it is okay to use excessive step lights throughout your staircase. Expert opinion is essential for this. 
  • Handrail lighting. These lights wrap the handrail. They can prove effective for indoor night events and enhance the appearance of the staircase. Many homeowners love using handrail lighting for this purpose. 

The following staircase ideas will be viable for multi-purpose staircase lighting. There is also a margin of customization in these ideas. Therefore, you can tweak these ideas to fit your preferences. 

  • Statement in Stairwell

One idea is to make your entire staircase prominent. For this idea, we use the wall along with your staircase. The reason is that the adornment of the wall will eventually enhance the appearance of the stairs. There are light fixtures and pendant lights available for the stairwell. 

Besides, chandeliers can also be used to give the stairs a magnificent look. Besides this, wall sconces can also be an excellent addition to this idea. However, using chandeliers in small areas is not recommended. These are for creating an open effect on the area, which is not suitable for congested places. 

  • Colored LED lights

Another option is to integrate LED lights. LEDs on your staircase will beautify its appearance. Different applications are available that allow for smart navigation of these lights. You can install them around the steps or the handrail. LED lights can be a great addition since they can change colors. You can choose from LEDs and see which colors best suit your space. 

  • Well lit hallway

If your hallway is small, light it up to make it look spacious. When your hallway is lit, it will create a reflection on the staircase as well. Therefore, doing it is another excellent idea for staircase renovation. There are different hallway-friendly lighting options available. 

  • Layered lights

Overhead lighting also creates an open effect in a particular space. However, one drawback is that these produce shadows. Shadows on the staircase are a big no for staircase renovation. Therefore, combining it with light fixtures is also a great choice. Other than this, you can also try ambient lights.

  • Lightning underneath

LED light strips help light up the stairs underneath. These allow easy installation and don’t consume much time. There is an adhesive strip with them that sticks to a particular place. So there is no need for drilling and screwing these lights. These strips are also mobile-controllable. Therefore, you are always at ease by using these strips. Based on your color preferences, you can select the correct color palette for yourself. 

  • Industrial feature lights

These are good for metallic staircases. For a bold industrial look, these lights can be your go-to option. Using them under gray and black palettes enhances their appearance on the stairs. These lights are appropriate for cage-like handrails and bold-colored walls. 

  • Recessed lights

These recessed lights are suitable for creating an open rise for the staircase. Well, the open riser is a typical method. But you don’t have to do what others are doing. Instead, using low-level recessed wall lights will give an edge to your staircase. Also, for a soft glow and sophistication, these lights are beneficial. 

  • Fairy lights 

These fairy lights are essential for indoor get-togethers and functions. Small fairy lights look highly appealing to the eyes. They can also be used to highlight a particular object or place. Other than this, these are easy to install on a staircase. Fairy lights are readily available with affordable budgets. Other than this, there is no need to use professional assistance to install them. 


Don’t use a chandelier if your staircase is small. Instead, you can go for a light projector. There are different light projectors available that change colors automatically. But they also are portable and don’t need much space. These make the staircases beautiful and also don’t cost much. 

Factors To Consider Before Installing Lightning for Your Stairways 

There are some crucial factors to consider before installing staircase lighting. Any negligence can complicate the installation process. Therefore, looking at the following tips is essential to avoid problems. 

  1. Ensure that dedicated ducts are available to wire the lights. The wiring is permanent, and you cannot replace it because it can create complications.
  2. You can opt for kinematic and dynamic lighting, but it can be dangerous for people with impaired vision. These lights can cast shadows and darken the area for usage.

Types Of Lights

It is vital to understand the nature of the surface when installing these lights. Problems occur when the nature of the lights and the surface do not match. Types of lights are variable depending on the nature of the staircase. Recessed lights and surface-mounted lights are commonly used. 

But it is essential to see where these lights should be installed. The determination of the area is critical when installing these lights, from handrails to steps and the stairwell. You must consider the area before installing these lights. The reason is that if the lights don’t fit the area, it can eventually hamper the look of the entire staircase. 

Colored and White Lighting

If your space is boldly colored, then using soft lighting is recommendable. There has to be a perfect balance between the staircase lighting and the overall appearance of the interior. Sometimes, homeowners pick the wrong lighting colors that don’t match their space. 

If your interior has soft colors, then make sure to use dark-colored staircase lighting. It will infuse the right balance between your staircase and interior. There are different color charts available that help you achieve this particular balance. White lighting is also for dark and closed-colored spaces. White lights open up the space and make it look more appealing. 

Stairway Steps

Some people like to go with staircase steps. However, one thing to remember is that these lights need to blend with the interior thoroughly. They might be isolated from space. This happens when the wrong lights have been installed.

Also, if the colors are not appropriate, these lights can negatively impact the staircase and its surroundings. Lighting for staircase steps should not interfere with the surroundings. Therefore, the size and colors of these lights are essential to consider.

Battery Operated 

These lights are a good option for people who are into luxury. They are battery-controlled, which enhances their performance. There is no need to replace them since charging can be done quickly. 

Also, the hardwiring makes them more durable and able to endure weather damage. Even after frequent usage, these lights don’t undergo damage quite soon. However, due to their innovative features, these can be expensive. Such lighting has also recently become famous among homeowners. 

Under The Stair Step

You can also add lighting beyond or under the steps. This is another great way of renovating your staircase. It highlights the steps, which look beautiful. Due to this reason, many high-end brands use this method for their staircase lighting. It attracts visitors, and to enhance their experience, the step lights are a good option. There are fixtures available that make it possible. 

These fixtures are easy to install in each step. The purpose of these fixtures is to highlight the steps and make them more reliable for use at night. There is no inclusion of wiring peeks through the steps. Professionals conceal the wires so that the staircase looks clean and sophisticated. It is vital to measure the dimensions of the stairs before proceeding with the installation. 

How Do You Choose The Right Lightning For Your Stairways?

  1. The first thing is to consider the warmth and coolness of the lights. Sometimes, the wrong choice of lighting tone can ruin their performance. You must consider which area will enhance the warm lighting. These lights are beneficial for installing in the hallway. 
  2. Other than this, ensure you pick the proper lighting CRI. Some lights have poor CRI, which is not recommendable for utilization. It is best to check the CRI of these lights and buy them. Based on your CRI preferences, you can easily decide on these lights later. 

How to Lighten Up My Large Stairways?

  1. One solution is to use pendant drops throughout the staircase to add more depth. This will make it look bigger and grander.
  2. Trailing pendants are also recommendable for the opening effect of spaces. These are better than table lamps and give a much bigger light throw to light up a dark area.

Vorlane is your one-stop solution for stairway lighting. We specialize in unparalleled LED lighting. Our experts provide real-time advice on lights and stairways so that you can always choose the best staircase lights for yourself! Contact us now.



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